Weekly Meditation & Energization Exercises in English — Led by an SRF Monastic


We warmly invite you to join us for a one-hour and twenty-minute meditation service in English, led by an SRF monastic, on Fridays beginning at 4:40 p.m. Pacific Time. The meditation begins with group practice of the Energization Exercises, followed by an opening prayer, devotional chanting, and a period of silent meditation lasting about 30 minutes. The meditation concludes with the practice of Paramahansa Yogananda’s healing technique and a closing prayer. 

The videos of the event will be available for viewing until Saturday at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time on the event page.

Please note that no instruction in the Energization Exercises is provided. If you are interested in learning the Energization Exercises or about the Self-Realization Fellowship レッスン、 the home-study course created by Paramahansa Yogananda on the science of meditation and the art of balanced spiritual living, please visit: https://srflessons.org.

We ask that no recordings or screenshots be made. 

If you are unable to join via Zoom, you may dial in and join the meditation by phone.

  • To find your local number, visit: https://zoom.us/u/anljiurOE  
  • Please note that charges may be incurred for dialing the phone number; please check with your phone carrier first.
